
Blog Electronic Device Drive!!! ChildSafe needs our help! Join us, through the Windermere Foundation, in an to benefit Childsafe. One of the many challenges of the pandemic is getting support out to children that are currently benefiting from Childsafe services. Many children are home with their abusers during these days of quarantine. We are in need of iPads, tablets or […]
Blog Preparing for the School Year at Home Image source: Shutterstock For those whose children will be taking classes online or participating in remote learning this school year, keeping the following tips in mind will help create an at-home learning environment that prioritizes health and learning, while being able to adjust to this year’s unknowns. A home cannot fully replace all that a formal […]
Blog Matthew Gardner Weekly COVID-19 Housing & Economic Update: 7/6/2020 On this week’s episode of “Mondays with Matthew”, Matthew Gardner discusses what is needed to motivate more Millennials to buy and the important role they play in the long-term health of the US housing market.
Blog Matthew Gardner Weekly COVID-19 Housing & Economic Update: 6/29/2020 On this week’s episode of “Mondays with Matthew,” Matthew Gardner discusses housing affordability and how he believes that despite the impact of COVID-19, affordability issues will remain and may actually get worse as we move forward.
Blog Saving in the Laundry Room When it comes to household expenses, staying at home has brought about savings in some areas, while increasing expenses in others. The laundry room has likely seen an uptick in usage, with its associated costs following suit. Save your energy and money by keeping these tips in mind as we continue to adapt to being […]
Blog Matthew Gardner Weekly COVID-19 Housing & Economic Update: 6/22/2020 In this week’s episode of “Mondays with Matthew,” Windermere Chief Economist, Matthew Gardner, dives into the high-frequency data sets that he uses to help determine where the US economy is at with emerging from the impacts of COVID-19. Hint: there’s progress, but we aren’t out of the woods yet.
Blog Matthew Gardner Weekly COVID-19 Housing & Economic Update: 6/1/2020 This week on “Mondays with Matthew”: Now that things have settled down somewhat following the initial impact of COVID-19, Matthew dives into the topic of mortgage rates. Will they go below 3%? Matthew discusses this and the factors that have formed his updated 2020 and 2021 mortgage rate forecast. 
Blog 5 Small Things You Can Do to Improve Your Home Office   Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, many of us now find ourselves working from home. While it’s hard to complain about the commute, working from home can be an adjustment. For example, you may find yourself doing tasks around the house and suddenly you’ve missed several important emails. If you feel like you need some help […]
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Blog Coronavirus Protections for Home Buyers   As the situation develops with the COVID-19 pandemic, Windermere Real Estate is dedicated to taking steps to reduce the spread of the virus while continuing to work with home buyers. To help with this process, here are some ways you as a home buyer can keep yourself and others safe during the buying process. […]
Blog Four Holiday Décor Trends to Inspire You This Season The holiday season is here and for many of us, that means it’s time to deck the halls. If you’re looking for some inspiration and a place to start, here are some ideas that are certain to get everyone in the spirit.  A Tree of a Different Color For many, there’s nothing more quintessential during […]
Blog A Gold Thanksgiving   We’re in the thick of autumn now, with Thanksgiving just days away. That means it’s time to start considering how to best showcase your home before the guests arrive.    One of the cheeriest bits of fall is the shifting colors that bring a canopy of rustic hues to a walk through the neighborhood. […]
Blog Is the Condominium Lifestyle Right for You? Condominium homes are a great, low-maintenance choice for a primary residence, second home, or investment property. This alternative to the traditional single-family home has unique issues to consider before buying, as well as unique benefits. Increasingly, condos are not just for first-time homebuyers looking for a less expensive entry into the housing market. Empty-nesters and […]
Blog How to Cover Unexpected Costs with a Personal Loan Owning a home comes with its rewards — it’s an investment, a cozy haven to kick-up your feet after a long day of work, and a welcoming place to bring family and friends together. Although all of this makes homeownership fulfilling, owning a home also opens the door for unexpected (but necessary) expenses. If you’ve […]
Blog Your Beginner’s Guide to Home Appraisals   Appraisals are used as a reliable, independent valuation of a tract of land and the structure on it, whether it’s a house or a skyscraper. Designed to protect buyers, sellers, and lending institutions, appraisals are an important part of the buying/selling process. Below, you will find information about the appraisal process, what goes into […]
Blog Our Favorite Real Estate Podcasts   Podcasts are a growing medium as listeners search for new sources of entertainment and information. In 2018 there were about 550,000 podcasts, in 2019 there are more than 750,000. Listeners are growing too, an estimated 20 million more people in the U.S. are listening to podcasts this year as compared to2018. This growth in audio entertainment inspired […]
Blog 10 Tips to Minimize Stress When Selling Your Home   When I was growing up, my family must have moved a dozen times. After the first few moves, we had it down to a science: timed out, scheduled, down to the last box. Despite our best efforts, plans would change, move-out and move-in days would shift, and the experience would stress the entire family […]
Blog Windermere is Now on Spotify!   Americans spend about 32 hours a week listening to music, and for Millennials that number is even higher. Since so many activities connected to our homes are enhanced by music, we want to fuel the joy and memories of those experiences through home-inspired playlists on our very own Spotify channel. Check out Windermere’s new […]
Blog You’ve Moved into Your New Home. Now What? Congratulations on your new home! You made it through the arduous process that is buying a new home. Now it’s time to take on the task of moving in. You did your research about the neighborhood and you feel like you know the home like the back of your hand. However, there are some things […]
Blog Windermere Living Fall Issue Dear Readers, Welcome to the fall issue of Windermere Living! Are you a foodie who loves to travel? Inside this issue is an article about interesting destinations where you can enjoy edible, immersive experiences like making your own coffee on the Kona coast of Hawaii, or diving for clams in Cabo and cooking them with an […]
Blog Giving Thanks to Our Vendor Partners   Throughout the years, the Windermere Foundation has donated more than $38 million to hundreds of organizations throughout the Western U.S.  We’ve helped homeless shelters, food banks, schools, hospitals, community centers, and other nonprofits that provide services to low-income and homeless families.   Most of this funding comes from our agents who give a portion […]